
Vectors are resizeable arrays of elements. The flc_vector module instantiates vectors of integer(4), integer(8), real(8), complex(8), and type(String).

Common functionality

All vector types support the following basic operations.

Construction and destruction

Vectors are constructed using four interface functions:

  • The function without arguments creates an empty vector;
  • A single integer argument assigns that many elements with default values; and
  • An integer argument followed by an element with the vector’s element type will copy that value to all elements of the vector.
  • A vector object will create a copy of that vector.

Here are three examples of initialization:

use flc_vector, only : Vector => VectorInt4
type(Vector) :: v

v = Vector()
! v%size() == 0
v = Vector(10)
! v%size() == 10
! v%get(i) == 0
v = Vector(10, 123)
! v%size() == 10
! v%get(i) == 123

Vectors are destroyed using the release type-bound subroutine:

call v%release()


Vectors can be resized dynamically using resize, which acts like the constructors described above. An element can be added to the end of the vector (increasing the size by one) with push_back. The insert method can insert an element at a specific index, and erase removes a specific vector index or range of indices. clear removes all elements. Finally, set sets the value of an element at a given index.


Unlike the C++ version of this class, all vectors in Flibcpp use 1-offset indexing. This means that v%get(1) is the same as the C++ v[0]: it returns the first element (i.e. the element with an offset of zero).

Here’s an example of modifying a vector:

use flc_vector, only : Vector => VectorInt4
type(Vector) :: v
v = Vector()
call v%resize(4, 123) ! give each element the value 123
call v%push_back(-1) ! size increased by 1, last element has value -1
call v%insert(2, -2) ! First 3 elements are [123, 123, -2]
call v%erase(1, 3) ! Remove the first two elements
call v%erase(2) ! Remove the second element
call v%set(1, -123) ! Change the value of the first element
call v%clear() ! Remove all elements, size is now zero


The size of a vector is returned by the bound function size; get returns the value at an index; and front and back are aliases for get(1) and get(v%size()), respectively.

Additionally, front_ref, back_ref, and get_ref return Fortran pointers to the elements of the array.


Array element pointers are valid only as long as the vector’s size is not changed. Calling erase, push_back, and so forth will invalidate the pointer; accessing it at that point results in undefined behavior.

Numeric vectors

As with the algorithms and other methods, the flc_vector module includes three scalar numeric instantiations, but it also includes an instantiation for complex numbers. Each instantiation has a distinct derived type:

  • VectorInt4: each element is integer(4)
  • VectorInt8: each element is integer(8)
  • VectorReal8: each element is real(8)
  • VectorComplex8: each element is complex(8)

Construct from an array

Numeric vectors can be created very efficiently from Fortran data by accepting an array pointer:

use flc_vector, only : Vector => VectorInt4
integer(4), dimension(4), parameter :: iarr = [ 1, -2, 4, -8 ]
type(Vector) :: v

v = Vector(iarr)
write(0,*) "Size should be 4:", v%size()

The assign bound method acts like a constructor but for an existing vector.

View as an array pointer

Numeric vectors can also return an array pointer to the vector’s contents. These views support native Fortran array operations and access the same underlying memory as the C++ object:

use flc_vector, only : Vector => VectorInt4
integer(4), dimension(:), pointer :: vptr
type(Vector) :: v

! <snip>
vptr => v%view()
if (size(vptr) > 2) then
   vptr(2) = 4
end if


A vector’s view is valid only as long as the vector’s size is not changed. Calling erase, push_back, and so forth will invalidate the view; accessing it at that point results in undefined behavior.

String vectors

The native “element” type of VectorString is a character(len=:). Vector operations that accept an input will take any native character string; and returned values will be allocatable character arrays.

The front_ref, back_ref, and get_ref functions allow the underlying std::string class to be accessed with the String Fortran derived type wrapper. Note that unlike for intrinsic types, where these functions return a integer, pointer, the vector of strings returns just type(String). However, as with native pointers described above, these references are invalid once the string changes size. They should be cleared with the %release() bound method.

An additional set_ref function allows vector elements to be assigned from String types.